Lessons & Fees

I have two basic types of lessons for you to choose from depending on your budget and learning needs. Each lesson type has a different rate. The lesson types are described under the rates.

Please note that lessons are usually 1 hour or 1.5 hours and that I usually recommend one to three lessons per week. If you are currently a student, I am also available by email during the week to answer simple questions. (No charge)

Type 1: $25/hour
Type 2: $30/hour
(As of Feb. 2013. Subject to change.)

Payment is due at time of lesson.

Note: Price subject to change. Rates listed are for private students. Quotes for companies, NGO's and etc., will be discussed and written quote submitted.

Type 1: Preparation and homework are not included

For this lesson, you choose what you want to learn, so the content of each class is very flexible.
During this lesson, for example, you could (a) practice your speaking, (b) have your writing corrected, or (c) ask grammar, vocabulary or other questions that you have from self-study or from school.
Because you are responsible for choosing the content of a Type 1 lesson, I do not prepare handouts for your classes or give you homework.

Rate: $25/hour

Type 2: Preparation and homework are included

This lesson type is best if you need a high level of individual help.
During your first lesson, I will give you a placement test and what you would like to improve. After that, I will design specific lessons for you, giving you learning materials (photocopies, etc.) that will help you reach your English goals. You will also be assigned homework to complete and have corrected.

Rate: $30/hour